656 aac
Flying and seeing
Flying and seeing
656 AAC
656 Army Air Corps (AAC) is a part of the British Army Aviation Corps, operating the advanced Apache AH.1 attack helicopter.
Based both in the UK and on overseas deployments, 656 AAC provides the British Army with critical capabilities in close air support, reconnaissance, and deep strike missions. These versatile platforms play a vital role in modern warfare and peacekeeping, contributing to operations ranging from counter-terrorism and conflict deterrence to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
Major "Neal"
Crew: 2
Disc area: 168.11 m2 (1,809.5 ft2)
Max takeoff weight: 9,525 kg (21,000 lb)
Powerplant: 2× Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca RTM322 turboshaft, 1,693 kW (2,270 hp[120]) each
Guns: M230 Chain Gun, 1200 rounds
Missiles: Hellfire
Rockets: CRV7 with Flechette (Tungsten dart) or High-Explosive Incendiary Semi-Armour Piercing (HEISAP) warheads.
Apache AH.1
In Development